3. How Will You Know When You’re Successful

The secret that distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful people is direction. Successful people have worthwhile goals, aims and targets they’re moving toward. They have an inspiring direction to their lives that compels them to grow and expand.

 2.  It’s easier to win in life then it is to lose. Either we challenge ourselves to grow and expand or life will do it for us. It’s always better to choose for ourselves.

 3.  Before starting the goal-setting process remind yourself of all the things in your life that you’re thankful for. The best way to approach life is to remain happy with what you have, while you pursue what you want.

 4.  Setting goals is a simple 5 step process:

  • 1. Make a list of everything you want. Make the list with the assumption that there are no limitations  on what you can achieve.
  • 2. Write down a detailed explanation of why you want each of your goals and what achieving them will mean to you. The quality of the journey will affect the quality of the goal.
  • 3. Build a plan for accomplishing your goals. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. You just need to give serious thought to each goal with realistic steps for accomplishing them.
  • 4. Prioritize your list based on how long you think each goal will take to achieve and the relative importance of the why’s you’ve assigned to it.
  • 5. Take action!

At the same time, keep in mind that you must periodically review the list on a regular basis and make occasional mid-course corrections. It’s vital that you spend time thinking about and visualizing each goal as an already accomplished fact.  Set a clear picture of your completed goal in your subconscious mind.

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