2. Where Are You Now and Why
In this message we’ve focused on the fact that what you think about is guided by your philosophy. So the secret answer to the question “Where you are now and why” is to be found in your philosophy. The dictionary defines philosophy as the system of values by which we live. Our personal philosophy of life is an amalgam of all of the ideas we hold to be true; it’s the master operating system of every life.
Next, remember how your philosophy directly affects your wealth, your health, even your happiness. The greatest influence on a successful life is a positive personal philosophy. And to develop this philosophy it’s important to choose between beliefs that either help you or hurt you. Beliefs that help you are positive, allowing you to grow and expand; beliefs that hurt you are negative, grounded in fear and defeatism and inevitably hold you back. You’ll also want to be sure that your new belief system supports your long term goals and objectives.
And finally, remember that your attitude toward life is also determined by your philosophy. Develop a great philosophy and you’ll just naturally show the world a great attitude. And nothing attracts success like a great attitude!